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Oasis Retreats 20 m²

Limited to 8750

The "Oasis Retreats" are carefully selected properties surrounded by lush vegetation, from shady groves to colorful flowerbeds. Each retreat offers a harmonious connection to nature and creates a perfect environment for artistic expression and digital creativity.

Immerse yourself in these green enclaves where the air is fresh and the sound of birds fills the atmosphere with a soothing melody. The "Oasis Retreats" not only offer space for creative projects, but also a retreat to escape the hustle and bustle of the digital world.

Whether you are a virtual artist, programmer or visionary - in the "Oasis Retreats" you will find your space in the green, where ideas blossom and the connection to nature is a source of inspiration. Welcome to your personal paradise of metaverse creativity - welcome to the "Oasis Retreats".

Size: 20 m²
Land type: Common
Rarity: 9.9 %

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